David Tatum, author of fantasy books like In Treachery Forged and The Kitsune Stratagem, has been selected for the fifth and final slot in the anthology, Worlds Enough: Fantastic Defenders.
His story is “A Gun for Shalla,” about a hapless wizard named Kusk who gets press-ganged into the imperial navy. After serving on board a ship-of-the-line, he’s singled out thanks to his unique combination of magical talents. He’s forcibly volunteered to assist in a dangerous mission to rescue the imprisoned relative of a high-level diplomat. Naturally, things don’t go as planned.
Look out for it on May 5, 2017, when Worlds Enough: Fantastic Defenders is published.
Publishing a book is a detail-oriented process and, to a large extent, most activities need to be done in a fairly specific order. Mess with the process…and you’ll pay for it later. At least, that’s the experience of David Keener, commissioned to do the ebook for the anthology, Reliquary, being published by Tannhauser Press.
“After the copyedit phase,” stated David Keener, “it’s fairly common for a book’s text to branch into print-specific and ebook-specific versions. That’s even more the case with a complex project like Reliquary, with internal illustrations, custom separators, chapter-leading dropped caps and some complicated custom typography. Which was why we were dismayed when we realized—well after the split—that the copyedit phase hadn’t accomplished all we’d hoped.”
After that, David brought in Donna Royston to do an emergency copyedit. “The usual procedure, at least in the indie world, is to order a proof from CreateSpace (Editorial Note: Amazon has since purchased CreateSpace and rolled it into its KDP service). Then you hand that to your copyeditor and she marks it up in red ink.” David sighed. “Lots of red ink.”
With a second round of copyedits, producers have the choice of copyediting the original content and then re-branching. Alternatively, if the separate branches have diverged too much, it may be easier to apply the copyedits to both branches. “For us, it was the latter,” David explained.
After all the delays (for this and other behind-the-scenes drama), the producers decided to release the print edition as soon as it was available. Accordingly, John Dwight finished the final design work on the print edition and published it on Amazon. Logistically, it was anticipated that the ebook edition would follow in about two weeks.
For those who aren’t familiar with the copyediting process, Worlds Enough thought it would be interesting to share a summary of typical copyedit markings:
Copyedit Markings
“Yeah,” responded David Keener. “I’m really tired of seeing these.”
Be on the lookout. The Kindle edition of Reliquary will be available next week.
Note: (2017/05/25) Yeah, OK. That next week thing didn’t happen. Reliquary got preempted by some other projects. Still, it’s next up in the queue, so we’re looking at a June release for the ebook.
Note 2: (2021/01/06) CreateSpace is gone now, at least as a brand. The functionality got folded into Amazon’s KDP toolset quite a while ago.
A new anthology called Reliquary was just published on January 6th by our publishing partner, Tannhauser Press. The anthology features twelve stories by new writers on the theme of relics.
We’re proud to announce that four of the writers for our upcoming anthology, Fantastic Defenders, are represented in that volume. Those writers are David Keener, Jeff Patterson, Donna Royston, and Martin Wilsey.
David Keener, an IT specialist in his day job, has also been pressed into service to assist Tannhauser Press with ebook production. Due to some logistical issues, the Kindle edition of the anthology will be available on Amazon in about two weeks.
Today is Deadline Day, or D-Day, for submissions for our first anthology: Fantastic Defenders. It’s terribly exciting to see all the stories coming in. It’s the culmination of the first phase of a journey that started when I said to a bunch of my fellow writers, “I have an idea for an anthology.” Wonder of wonders, they took me seriously. Equally as important, Tannhauser Press took us seriously, too.
It’s also scary because it means that I have to start the second phase, providing the necessary editorial feedback to help the contributors tune their stories to the max. Technically, I guess this makes me an Editor, a role in which I’m happy to have also enlisted the help of Donna Royston (who also has a quietly powerful story in the anthology).
It’s an anthology of novelettes/novellas in the range of 10-20K words each, with a total of five slots. As a “mostly” curated anthology, four of the writers were pre-selected, and I have three of their stories in hand. The fourth writer is in the final stages of finishing up his story, which I expect to have in about a week. The stories are:
We opened up the fifth slot for competition. I’ve also received three submissions thus far for the last slot. I’ve heard that there may be a few more on the way.
We’re planning to publish the anthology on May 5, 2017 in print, ebook, and audio formats. Stay tuned for more news!
We’re producing an anthology called Fantastic Defenders. It’s targeted for five novelettes/novellas in the range of 10K to 20K words. It’s a semi-curated anthology, which basically means, at least in this case, that four of the slots have been filled by hand-picking authors we’re familiar with and who have a track record of doing excellent stories at this length.
That leaves us with a fifth slot that we still need to fill. Accordingly, we’re opening the slot up for competition, with a deadline of December 31, 2016.
Basic description is:
Looking for novelettes or short novellas in a fantasy setting featuring heroes defending against the forces of evil. Examples range from a royal bodyguard defending an infant princess against a well-organized assassination attempt to an aging bureaucrat defending an empire using only his wits. No elfie-welfie fiction.
Other information can be obtained via email inquiry (to dkeener _at_ davidkeener.org) if you’re interested in competing for the slot.
NOTE: This Call for Stories is closed. The anthology was published on May 19, 2017 and is now available on Amazon.