Donna Royston (1955 – 2024)

Worlds Enough editor and author Donna Royston passed away on December 24th after an almost five year struggle with cancer. Donna collaborated with David Keener on three anthologies: Fantastic Defenders, Fantastic Detectives, and the upcoming The Forever Inn.

According to David Keener, “We met through the Hourlings, the writing group that we’d both been part of for the last twelve or more years. Since then, she’s copyedited, and sometimes edited, just about every story I’ve published, and that’s after critiquing them in our writing group. She was my go-to fixer whenever I had a story that wasn’t working…she’d tell me, with stunning accuracy, exactly what was wrong. There was a reason I asked her to co-edit all those anthologies with me.”

David continued, “While I knew of her ongoing medical struggles, and thus her passing wasn’t a complete surprise, it’s still shocking to me that she’s not with us in 2025. No more will we hear her calm voice critiquing our stories at our Hourlings meetings, her low chuckle at our literary shenanigans, her dry wit, and her dependable friendship. She’s going to be missed by a lot of people.”

From the obituary that her husband, John Skowronski, released:

Donna Faye Royston was born in 1955 in Winchester VA, daughter of James R. Royston and Wanda G. Royston.

She attended James Madison University in Harrisonburg VA, earning a BA and MA in English literature.

She married John J. Skowronski in 1991 in Middletown VA.She worked as an editor on academic publications, most recently for 17 years on Variance, the journal of the Casualty Actuarial Society. She published several fantasy stories in online magazines and in the anthologies of her writing group, The Hourlings. She also loved spending her spare time gardening.

She is predeceased by her parents.

She is survived by her husband John, sister Phyllis Gamble (Vernon) of Winchester, nephew Stephen Gamble of Winchester, half-sister Jane Devereaux of Roanoke, and faithful canine companion Luke.

Please consider a memorial contribution in Donna's memory to the American Cancer Society or Capital Caring Hospice of Falls Church VA.

Fantastic Detectives – Hardcover

Here’s the final version of the wraparound cover for the hardback edition of Fantastic Detectives. The cover image is from Ivan Zann, as is the front cover design. The remaining cover design, and extended background, were ably handled by Don Anderson, our resident graphic artist.

The hardcover volume is being produced using IngramSpark and should be published sometime in late September or early October.

Fantastic Detectives Ads

We’ve created a series of advertisements for the Fantastic Detectives anthology. Some of them promote the anthology itself; others promote individual stories within the anthology (with an eventual goal of having an advertisement for every story).

We thought it would be interesting to show all of the ads in one place, for anyone who might be curious about what we’ve done. All of these ads are also available on the WorldsEnough Facebook page.

Read more

Website Revamped

We’ve finally had the opportunity to revamp the Worlds Enough website. Unfortunately, the website has been plagued by a number of small glitches ever since its hurried migration to a new hosting service last year when the old service was shut down. These glitches have been fixed, including the most obvious one that affected the header display. Most of the content has also been updated.

Cover Reveal – Fantastic Detectives

In our last post, we revealed the names and stories of all the submitters who were accepted into the Fantastic Detectives anthology. And let us assure you, we’ve got some fantastic stories appearing in the volume.

Of course, such great stories needed a great cover, too. We were lucky enough to procure this awesome cover from Ivan Zann.

We think it’s a great cover that truly champions both the fantasy and mystery aspects of the anthology’s theme.

We’re planning a March 2023 publication in the ebook, trade paperback (5.5×8.5), and hardcover formats. Just as we did with our previous anthology in the series, Fantastic Defenders.

Author List for “Fantastic Detectives”

The final selection has been made and the following authors will be appearing in the anthology, “Fantastic Detectives”:

  • Reed Bonadonna – “Perchance to Dream”
  • Gregg Chamberlain – “This Sword for Hire”
  • Robert Finegold – “A Madness Most Discreet”
  • David Keener – “Jonelle Crosse”
  • Emma Melville – “Penance”
  • Jeff Patterson – “Sister Autumn and the Angel’s Blade”
  • Maria Prokopyeva – “Worshippers of Baser Stuff”
  • Daniel Robichaud – “Out Among the Pecan Trees”
  • Donna Royston – “The First Censor’s Statement”
  • Shannon Taft – “The Codicil”
  • David Tatum – “Tumbling the Lord”
  • Martin Wilsey – “Justice in the Mist”
  • Austin Worley – “The Skull in the Tree”

There you have it…a solid baker’s dozen of awesome fantasy detective stories! We’re anticipating a March 2023 publication date.

Fantastic Detectives – Reopened for Submissions


We have determined that Worlds Enough experienced an email issue during the submission time period for our anthology, Fantastic Detectives. During this time, we were forced by our web host’s unexpected closure to move our website and email services. Our “” email address was re-directed to a Yahoo email account because of this unexpected move. It looks like Yahoo’s spam filter zapped some of the submissions. Unfortunately, Yahoo also removes spam entries after 30 days, so we can’t go back and determine what was lost.

We’ve confirmed that at least three people were impacted, and possibly two or three more based on queries we’ve received. There are likely more.

We feel that we put enough pressure on authors when we ask them to write a good story that adheres to a specific theme. It’s a bridge too far to also randomly zap them with a spam filter when they’re kind enough to submit their work to us.

Everybody that submitted deserves consideration. Period.

Accordingly, we’re re-opening for submissions. All stories that we have actually received have either been notified of being “Not Accepted” or having made it into the “Final Round.” If you have submitted and not received a notification, then your story got lost. Send it again and we will expedite the review process so that you get the consideration you’re due.

All stories need to be received by April 30, 2022. The same email address will work (this time), We will also provide a manual email response acknowledging that we received your story.

We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience. Given the situation, we feel this is the only way we can deal fairly with this mess and ensure that all submitters receive due consideration for their stories.

— David Keener —

Update: Website Successfully Moved

The website was successfully moved on September 11th. There are still a few tweaks that need to be done to the look-and-feel, since the move also encompassed an impromptu WordPress update and a theme update. Since there’s nothing urgent with regard to those tweaks, they’ll have to wait a week or so until our other web properties and associated emails get moved.

The Worlds Enough email addresses have also been ported over, so any interruption in email delivery should have been minimal (and we did receive one new submission for the Fantastic Dectectives today).